#Hair loss #Androgen

Testosterone is not the main cause of hair loss!

            Many of you have heard I have heard that testosterone is the cause of thinning hair. Some found hair loss before the age of 30 is facing hair loss problem. To be reduced and slowly down hair loss kind around the hair life cycle. Start the real cause and main factor why hair loss is premature, heredity, hair loss with age.

Testosterone hormone or androgen begins to work in adolescence, sex hormones peak during the life of a man, hair, beard, hair in the secret place, armpit hair, thick hair grows. But it is worth noting that the hair does not fall out easily. Conversely, as you get older, your hair loses abnormally, causing your men to feel anxious, hard stress, insecure then go to meet doctor for treatment, get a pill to suppress testosterone hormones, or you buy them on the internet. Trial and from various brands all mentioned by testosterone causes hair loss, thinning hair. In women, it is found that there is hair loss and thinning hair as well.

             Men and women have the same male hormones. But you're more than a man. Other hand, the man has the hormone Estrogen (Estrogen) or female hormone in the endocrine system of the body produced in the bloodstream, but less than the female.

There issue is an enzyme (Enzyme) when paired with testosterone directly affects the hair follicle, causing the hair to fall more than usual. Falling more and more until baldness for both men and women

As shown in Figure 1, the hair loss behavior of both men and women

             This enzyme is called "5α Reductant"2) is in the form of subcutaneous fat. When this enzyme reacts with testosterone. It's easy to say that this five-alpha-reductive enzyme matched with testosterone can be normally occurring in both women and men most of your head scalp there it's abundant. Which the sebaceous glands at the hair roots inhibit the process of hair formation. The new hair that grows instead of your original hair, the size of the hair becomes smaller until it falls out. Hair thinning. For women found a split line in the middle of the head, upper face as shown in figure 1. The problem is reaction of both men and women, number of hair falls more than 50% or more.

            Therefore, we have already grasped the point that testosterone does not cause hair loss, thinning hair, but must contain elements of such enzyme called these reaction is  "DHT - Dihydro Testosterone".

As for the cause of being older than 50, it can cause hair loss and thinning hair. It is the result of the regression of growth hormone production that decreases with age. The male hormone is an important part of the production of growth hormone. Men do not run out of sex hormones, they are produced throughout their lives but decrease with increasing age. The female body will stop producing sex hormone estrogen near the age. 50 years or more, some You can read previous of our article What role does Testosterone play? https://androgelthailand.blogspot.com/2021/10/what-role-does-testosterone-play.html


As shown in Figure 2, the decrease in testosterone in the male body

From the above enzyme, we can also notice that it is related to the "sebaceous(fat) glands", thus we know another reason for hair loss and excess scalp fat. Causing fat to clog the hair roots and started smaller hurry up to until the head was bald. We should not let it go too long without being fixed. Because it causes the hair roots to be damaged and it dead, that means they can't have hair to grow anymore, requiring a hair transplant surgeon. It is commonly known that the cost of treatment is very high.

    Another cause of hair loss is genetics in males. (androgenetic alopecia or male pattern alopecia), was found to be very rare sometimes it happens in teenage also women too.

  • Treatment with finasteride 3) such as Proscar and Propecia 4)
  • Minoxidil 2% and 5% hair-stimulating tube extension drug use, spray, drop

    Treatment with finasteride-containing drugs affects testosterone being suppressed. Found that some nipples pointed fat around the nipple, we call it "rat milk" makes the muscles atrophy smaller. Affects sexual performance, causing less demand penis is not fully erect (some of these symptoms doesn't happen to everyone.) Transgender women group are also popular to eat together while changing their gender. Helps to have bigger breasts decreased muscle tone youthful skin shrinking testicles, some people eat during their teenage years, making their voices hoarse and the men’s throat is not big to not see clearly. Therefore, taking oral medication must be consulted by a medical professional.

Use of minoxidil, It is a drug used to dilate blood vessels to cause blood to feed the hair roots. Found that the hair on the body grows too, but can stay for a long time 3 months after stopping the drug, it will not return to fall again, not permanently. Including the risk of fainting, dizziness head bowing. Exercising too hard can cause fainting, but not everyone.

            From the above we turn to the manipulation of the enzyme fire-alpha- reductant caused by accumulated stress. During childhood, teenager, independent life can be enjoyed every day because the brain's growth hormone is high. As an adult, more responsibility cause of hard work, eating, very salty, very sweet, very spicy, thinking a lot problem and hard works. Effects of alcohol and continue to drink for many years, sleep less.

            In this article, I would like to discuss how the enzyme fire-alpha-reductant enzyme system works from stress. Spend life will occur a lot in the form of free fat, there is a lot of skin under our scalp that causes hair loss, small atrophy, hair thinning until the scalp is bald, hair follicles die.

            We have thick, them not fall that everyone wants. Want to keep your hair with us for a long time. Growth Hormone is the key to this answer. If you protect reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, healthy hair indicates strength. not easy to fall off thick hair. Put you bright faces are first impression among with socialization so young face. The body's hormonal system is very important, therefore sex hormones play a role in men and female. 

Next time, let's see continuously talk a lot of growth hormones work in harmony with our body system to create Growth Hormone, allowing us to maintain youthfulness. This testosterone itself helps fight free radicals, slowing down aging.

Open the corner of the hormone system endocrinologists understand more.

    I always study for all of you. By collecting simple summaries from articles, books, research documental. Information from the doctor sharing, experience, the author of this blog is the administrator of Androgel Thailand, providing semi-academic knowledge on hormones in the endocrine system. Make it difficult for dear readers to understand. Bring to apply to you and hope want to share with readers, all valuable customers get the most benefit.

 Thank you very much for being our friend.


1) https://androgelthailand.blogspot.com/2021/09/testosterone-testosterone-testosterone.html

2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5%CE%B1-Reductase

3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride

4) https://www.si.mahidol.ac.th/th/division/hph/admin/news_files/555_49_1.pdf

5) https://www.luxurylifestylemag.co.uk/health-wellbeing/the-key-mens-health-and-fitness-trends-for-2019/ 


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