#Hair loss #Androgen Testosterone is not the main cause of hair loss! Many of you have heard I have heard that testosterone is the cause of thinning hair. Some found hair loss before the age of 30 is facing hair loss problem. To be reduced and slowly down hair loss kind around the hair life cycle. Start the real cause and main factor why hair loss is premature, heredity, hair loss with age. Testosterone hormone or androgen begins to work in adolescence, sex hormones peak during the life of a man, hair, beard, hair in the secret place, armpit hair, thick hair grows. But it is worth noting that the hair does not fall out easily. Conversely, as you get older, your hair loses abnormally, causing your men to feel anxious, hard stress, insecure then go to meet doctor for treatment, get a pill to suppress testosterone hormones, or you buy them on the internet. Trial and from various brands all mentioned by testosterone...
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